Friday, July 30, 2010

"Oh How He Loves Us!"

That song is stuck in my head. The following is from a talk we heard in Houston at their Life Awareness Weekend:

Pope John Paul II's "Interior disposition of Eucharistic Spirituality" (we should have these points in our lives as people that love Jesus in the Eucharist -- only possible with God's grace through Communion with Him!)

  • Thanksgiving and gratitude (live a life of gratitude . . . to God and to others; and see God in EVERY situation)
  • Self-Offering (live a life of being a "self-gift" . . . be a gift to others!)
  • Charity (live a life a true charity)
  • Contemplation (long to contemplate and to be in communion with God . . . silence and love with the Lord)

God bless you all! Lots going on as usual..... Every day we pray for all of our benefactors, friends, relatives, and people we work with in our apostolates.

"I can change the world by allowing God to change me!"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

School Sisters "Family Retreat"!

This awesome family bought our "Family Retreat with the School Sisters" at our FUN Raiser last year! We had an awesome weekend together -- talked about prayer, family life, virtues, thanksgiving for God's blessings in their family so far, Theology of the Body, and much more. The kids had their own retreat with Sr. Pia and Sr. Mary Jude. We even played basketball!!!
We topped it off with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. God bless all families!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lots Going On!

LOTS going on! The top picture is from the 5 inches of rain that we've had in the last day and a half. We're getting our roof repaired and it is unfortunately helping us find our leaks.... One repair at a time! :> From what I hear, our 5 inches is mild compared to other places in Texas that are flooding!

The beautiful chapel picture is from our Motherhouse in Vienna, Austria. We have 3 Sisters there now as delegates to the General Chapter to be held next week! Pray with us for this intention -- May the Holy Spirit inspire us in amazing ways!!!
The picture of our Sisters with Our Lady of Guadalupe is from the Holy Trinity Seminary where the recent Dallas/Fort Worth Vocation Awareness Program (VAP) was held. It was awesome as always.
The bottom picture is from a recent short meeting with some young ladies -- we shot the breeze and then reflected briefly on the book called, Fire Within, by Fr. Thomas Dubay about prayer. The chapter called, "Conditions for Growth" is a favorite. St. Teresa of Avila says that if one wants to have a deep prayer life (a life of love with the Holy Trinity), she/he must live a generous life, with humility, and striving to live the virtues. Live a life of love! She said that this is the secret to a deep prayer (love) life with God, not the "method" of prayer.
God bless you all! United in prayer and love,
The School Sisters of St. Francis!