Last week was the Amarillo Diocese's Annual Youth Rally! If you have never heard of Fr. Tony Ricard, he is an amazing priest. He's from New Orleans and is quite an entertainer. He's full of stories and full of joy! May he inspire many to get closer to God and to follow their call to whatever great life God is calling them to!
We heard a story the other day -- A lady with 3 children went to McDonald's. She noticed a homeless person sitting there eating a hamburger that she had gotten from someone's donation of a coupon. She prayed fervently, thanking God for the meal. The lady felt like she was supposed to buy her a box of cookies. "I will not buy her cookies," she thought, knowing that a homeless person needs more substantial food and not desserts. The thought would not go away. So she finally sent one of her children up to buy the cookies and to give it to the homeless lady. She told the child to say, "Happy Valentine's Day" since it was about 2 weeks after that holiday. The little girl took the cookies to her and said, "Happy Valentine's Day!" The lady responded, "Oh, it's too late for Valentine's Day," she continued as she looked up, "but I knew He wouldn't forget. Today's my birthday!"
Now that's faith. What a beautiful story about someone who really has a relationship with God!
God bless you all!