Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day! (sorry - thought this was posted last week!!!)

[sorry - thought this was posted last week. We had Internet problems when trying to upload it and it obviously didn't go through. . . oops!]

Dear Friends,

It has become our custom to do a "May Crowning" on Mother's Day to celebrate our awesome Mother Mary! We also process in with candles with our own earthly mother's name on it, praying for her and in great gratitude for her life and everything she was for us. Mom's are SO special!

Bottom picture is from a little skit we did for Sr. Jean Marie for Mother's Day -- we took Francesca Battistelli's "This is the Stuff" and converted it to a convent song. You'd have to live in one to understand it....

According to the truth of the Theology of the Body, every woman is a "mother". Every woman is called to be a spiritual mother! Some are called to be a physical mother. May all women remember this. May Mary teach us more and more every day what it means to be a woman of faith and a true mother in our vocation.

God bless you all! We remain united in prayer.

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