Friday, September 19, 2008

Did you hear? We'll be on the RADIO!

In case you haven't heard, we'll be on EWTN Radio tomorrow (Saturday)!!!

2-4 p.m. Eastern Time -- it's called "The Good Fight" with Barbara McGuigan. She focuses on saints and how they have influenced people's lives.

We'll talk about St. Faustina, vocations, our Community, Theology of the Body, etc. etc.

You can call in to the live show. Pray for us and for God's Will to be done on this show!


Anonymous said...

As I was driving through the Bay Area yesterday, I just happened to hear a small part of the EWTN show with your sisters. They spoke briefly about the Theology of the Body, but I would love to hear more. Will you write on the topic in this blog. Can you recommend a straight forward book?

Sr. Mary Michael, OSF said...

Dear Anonymous,

I would like to recommend a book: "Theology of the Body: What is it and Why Does it Matter?" by Fr.Richard Hogan.

I would also recommend anything from Katrina Zeno.

God bless you!

Sr. Mary Michael, OSF said...

By the way, I'd be happy to post some stuff on here about TOB. In the meantime, there's tons of materials at Our Father's Will Communications. (Google it and you can find their website)

Fr. Thomas Loya is also a great author.

God bless!